Monday, April 19, 2010

Please Don't Shoot But...................

Is there a bill being proposed somewhere to annul the 2nd amendment? I don't recall reading anything about it. Still there are protesters outside the capital - with guns - protesting their right to carry them. Did I miss something?

The real scary part of this is that some of the protesters say they are there in response to the health care bill. I guess Sarah Palin's message has been received.

I believe in the constitutional right to bear arms - in fact I have many family members who are hunters (for food). However, I do not believe that crazy people should be allowed to carry a weapon (concealed or not)! Anybody that makes a connection between health care reform and the right to bear arms who then shows up at a protest with a weapon should be arrested on the spot and confined to a mental institution. This is not a demonstration - it is a threat of brutal violence. These people are clearly saying that they intend to use their weapons against people who disagree with them.

We call this terrorism.

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