Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Andre Gets Five Minutes

If you have read any of the comments in my recent posts, you will see my reader Andre and I have gotten into some spirited debates on some of these political topics. Well, at least they were spirited for a while and then they got rather lengthy and cynical. Still, I enjoy a good debate.

The other day I went back and started reading my blog from the beginning - back to 2005. An interesting theme appeared almost immediately that I wanted to share. My arguments against the "W" administration at the time are amazingly similar the arguments currently being voiced by Andre and other political commentators today. Wasted tax payer money, huge deficits, not listening to the American people and violation or erosion of our basic American rights were central themes then and now. At the time people were even referring to George W. as Hitler - just as they are doing to President Obama.

Are both parties right? Are both parties wrong? I find it all very interesting.

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