Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Democrats Love Palin!

Republicans have chosen as their party's primary spokesperson a high ranking elected official who quit her elected job to be a spokesperson. They elected her - she quit - and they love her for it! It really is quite comical. But in my opinion, Sarah Palin is the best thing that ever happened to the Democratic party. She is indeed a portrait of the extreme right movement and I don't think the moderate Republicans enjoy her or her message. I'm also hopeful that her high visibility and extreme opinions against a popular Democratic President will bring out more Democratic voters who might otherwise choose not to vote. Go Palin!


Thohea said...

And, of course, I love all the wonderful SNL skits she inspires.

Andre said...

"I'm also hopeful that her...extreme opinions against a popular Democratic President..."

Popular Democratic President?

Be careful...all the recent polls show a steady and consistent decline for the President; I would direct your attention to the poll just two days ago that showed the President only 1 point ahead of Ron Paul! (yikes!)

President Obama's job approval rating is lower now than back in Dec. when two two polls showed Palin within 1 point(!) of him in a head to head match up...not that it will ever come to that; I seriously doubt that Palin will be the next GOP Presidential candidate, but I would challenge your characterization of Sarah Palin's opinions as "extreme": I would venture to guess that if you polled her positions on the top 10 issues of most importance to Americans and compared them to President Obama's positions on those same issues, you would find that Palin is closer to the main-stream of American opinion on most of them (although granted, not necessarily by large margins).

I would suggest, given the current political divide in this country, that "polarizing" would probably be a fairer and more accurate description of Palin than "extreme".

I tried to be concise. Really, I did!

denbec said...

You did good Andre!

But I have to say that a graphic with cross hairs is extremist.

I'm not sure you can equate a job approval rating with popularity. People hate Simon Cowell - but he is very popular. And popularity can win elections.

denbec said...

That's why it is frighteningly possible that Sara Palin could also win an election.

Andre said...

No, I'm not saying that Sarah Palin could win a national Presidential election ( anything's possible I suppose, but it would be highly unlikely)...I was just trying to point out that most of her opinions are well within the bounds of the American mainstream.

Then again, here are a few findings from a PPP poll released today:

"Mitt Romney leads Obama 45-44 after tying the president at 44 last month. This is true despite Obama consolidating his Democratic support and narrowing his deficit among independents.
After trailing 44-46 to Obama in March, Mike Huckabee now leads the president 47-45. Huckabee boosted his favorability numbers from 31-36 to 32-31 in a month by decreasing his disapproval among liberals, moderates, conservatives, and Republicans.
Sarah Palin now lags Obama only 45-47 after showing deficits of eight or seven points in each of the last three months. Both Obama and Palin have increased their base support, but Palin now trails Obama among independents 39-46 versus 35-49 in March.
Despite a 34-47 favorability gulf, Newt Gingrich is dead even with President Obama, 45- 45. Obama leads Gingrich among independents 44-40, but 11% of his own party members pledge to vote for Gingrich, versus only 6% of Republicans crossing over."

It's still a long way to 2012, and a lot can (and probably will) happen. I suspect (and hope!) that other, better candidates will emerge before then.

PS: I love Simon Cowell!

denbec said...

Americans have a very short attention span. Whatever happens a few weeks before the election will ultimately decide the results. That time frame is typically when the Republicans release the "gay play of the day".

Personally, I would like to see an Presidential election between Ron Paul and Wesley Clark. That would be good for America.