Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sticks and Stones

You may have noticed on my previous post "Racism on the Flip Side" that I did not use politically correct terms. Actually, I did start to put them in but it got weird so I change it back. Native American Reservation just didn't sound right to me having grown up there and I've always been against the term African American because a lot of people of color do not come from Africa and may not even be Americans.

In most cases I do try to be politically correct but it can be quite difficult and frustrating. I think people today have just gotten too sensitive. Others have gone completely overboard trying not to offend anybody. Plus, the proper word or phrase changes too frequently. In my opinion, as long as you try your best not to offend someone, stay away from the obvious hurtful words, and chill out when someone makes an honest mistake it should be ok.

A gentle reminder of the word or phrase you prefer is ok too, but keep in mind that your word might not fit everyone. Also note that any word can hurt if used in hate. It's really more about semantics than words.

A previous co-worker's young child once said something that I found very amusing. Why do white people call us colored she asked, when they turn red when they are mad, pale when they are sick or blue when they are cold? I love the way children think!

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