Friday, March 02, 2012

Economy saved by Super PACs

I find it sweetly ironic that the huge amount of money flowing through the political Super PACs is very likely affecting the overall economic picture in a positive way. They are spending all that money to try to illustrate that President Obama has failed the economy - meanwhile, all that money is actually helping improve the overall economic picture making the President look even more successful.

It is the ONLY good thing I have to say about Super PACs - but it is kinda fun isn't it?!


Anonymous said...

I guess we're somewhat lucky that our primary isn't until early May. We haven't seen any political commercials that are being 'bought' by the SuperPacs.

We DVR most everything we watch so we can fast forward through all of those nasty commericals anyway.


denbec said...

I hardly saw any when "they" were here in FL. I LOVE MY DVR! :)