Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Drug Dealers and Prostitutes Can Save America

The Republican party has put the full weight of the American debt on the backs of the working poor. There will be no help from those that can most afford it. Now we are faced with some tough choices on what gets cut. Education, entitlements, seniors, sick people, environment programs, safety, and security will all be affected by extreme budget cuts without additional revenue. So we will be forced to make some tough choices on cuts. I say it's time to add some tough choices to revenues as well - not with tax increases but with new taxes. Here are a couple ideas we now need to consider:

  • Tax churches. Why are they getting a break when they are nothing more than business entities. More and more they are also influencing elections. If there is no real separation of church and state then they should support each other.
  • Legalize and tax marijuana. I'm not a user, but I know a lot of people who are. This drug seems less harmful than alchoh0l. Plus enormous Federal resources are being used to keep this fairly harmless drug under control - and they are failing miserably. Stop spending and start cashing in.
  • Legalize and tax prostitution. Once again we are spending a lot on prevention that is not working. The so called "oldest profession in the world" is alive and well under the guise of escort services and massage parlors. Many of those in the profession are poor and do not have insurance thus charging the Emergency Room bills to the American tax payer. We can reap even more financial rewards by offering health insurance for this profession thus controlling the spread of STDs.
Those are only 3 examples of new taxes that could greatly improve our hope of driving down the national debt and they are not focused at the rich. I'm sure there are many more. All three issues are clearly religious based morality issues but they are absolutely legitimate sources of revenue. The Tea Party won't like these suggestions but it's time they made a contribution to this mess. If they don't like legalized pot - don't smoke it. If they don't like legalized prostitution - don't go to a prostitute. If they don't like churches paying taxes - don't donate.

Cha-ching! I just saved Social Security.


Thohea said...

The usually verbose Andre is oddly quiet on this post. It even combines his favorite subjects...religion and taxes. Hmmm.

denbec said...

I thought exactly the same - he skipped right over it.

denbec said...

The concepts are kinda radical - his flow charts probably didn't provide any appropriate talking points. Probably had to email the PAC to see what the standard proper response is.
