Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I try to avoid writing articles that everyone else is also writing unless I have some unique perspective or a solution to the issue. I also avoid calling anyone a racist unless it is beyond a doubt - and I don't believe that just because you dislike someone doesn't automatically make you a racist. So, I have avoided using this label on this whole Birther issue until now. I am officially calling the Birthers racists. Also, most of the Tea Party fit this label as well. These people are out to discredit President Obama - not because of any policy issues they disagree with or with anything he may have said or done. They simply do not like the fact that he is a (half) black man. And I think it bothers them even more that he is a (half) black man who is doing a great job as President.

President Obama released his original birth certificate today to try to appease these racists. It won't work. He had already provided all the needed legal documents and newspaper articles of the birth announcement in the years since this stupid issue came about (Hillary Clinton who first brought this issue to the public attention has long been convinced Obama is indeed a natural born citizen). The documents he provided are more legal in the state of Hawaii than the ones the birthers demanded. Already - on the same day as they received the requested document, the birthers are questioning it's authenticity or the motive for not providing it sooner. These people are class A idiots - bigots and racists of the worst kind.

These same people accuse President Obama of being a Muslim (not that there is anything wrong with being a Muslim). They are conveniently forgetting that THEY are the ones who forced him to leave his long time Christian church over the Reverend Wright controversy. All of these baseless lies are only used to fuel their unfounded racism.

Certainly nothing I can say or do will change their minds either. But it is time for me to officially use the word they deserve. Racists.

Now, speaking of birthers - can we please have that birth certificate we were promised for Trig Palin?! There is the real controversy my friends.


denbec said...

Lisa had some problems posting this comment. I watched this video and I totally agree.

Lisa said:

I think Rachel Maddow’s final segment last night covered this topic quite well. Here’s the link to the page.

I won’t bother to point out racist actions I’ve witnessed or my family has witnessed and just let everyone check out the commentary from Maddow’s show.

Lisa in Indy.

Andre said...

....most of the Tea Party...These people are out to discredit President Obama - not because of any policy issues they disagree with or with anything he may have said or done.

How can you say that with a straight face? Does honesty mean nothing to you anymore?

They simply do not like the fact that he is a (half) black man.

You are in Florida, right? Who are the two best known elected officials from Florida that are popularly associated with the Tea Parties ( and are both commonly labelled in the New York Times as "Tea-Party favorites")?

Marco Rubio and Col. Allen West.

Senator Rubio is a Hispaninc(Cuban) American and Congressman West is, last time I checked, a quite darkly hued gentleman ( I suspect he would take some exception to the description of "half" black).

Unless Christie or Ryan jump in the race, I think I already know who is getting my vote in the 2012 Republican primary (clue: I might be wrong about this, but I don't think he is a Norwegian American):

Keep on with all this sleazy race-baiting stuff. The more you have to resort to such gutter tactics, the clearer it becomes that the Tea Party is winning on the issues.

I find that very encouraging.

denbec said...

Andre - I stand by my (own personal) judgments stated in this post. The evidence is quite clear. And it should be noted that I am pointing this label at ALL the Birthers and most of the Tea Party - not everyone - just most of them.

If they have a problem with President Obama's policies - fine. Attack those policies. But do NOT attack his character with made up, unfounded, racist controversy.

Andre said...

I think that your allegation that Hilary Clinton (the original "birther")is a racist because her campaign was responsible for beginning this whole stupid birth certificate fiasco, is grossly unfair.

I see no reason to attribute racism as a motive to the Clinton campaign. They were just doing what all campaigns do ("opposition research"), looking for any damaging info that they could use against a feared rival.

Hilary Clinton, deep inside her heart, may or may not be a racist (I have no way of knowing...but I doubt it), but you don't even need to go there, simple political ambition is explanation enough.

If they have a problem with President Obama's policies - fine. Attack those policies. But do NOT attack his character with made up, unfounded, racist controversy.

That is excellent advice. It's too bad that you seem completely unable to follow it yourself in regards to the Tea Parties.

I know, I know: "Do as I say, not as I do." I understand, it's always easier to tell others to do the right thing than it often is to do the right thing ourselves. A very human failing.

Andre said...

As is so often the case, Anne Coulter is the voice of common sense when it comes to the whole "birther" idiocy:

I love hear reaction when O'Reilly asks her if she thinks Trump should run. Hilarious.

Andre said...'s the full Coulter link:

Andre said...

third times a charm?

Andre said...

it won't seem to last try:

denbec said...

Hillary Clinton had a legitimate concern (and a political motive) in bringing up the topic of the birth certificate. President Obama provided the legal proof requested. End of story. 2008.

As for your video links - the ads played perfectly but the actual video did not. Ann Coulter?? She is your chose voice of reason? Really??

Andre said...

Ann correctly noted that if there had been any legitimate issue with the Obama birth certificate at all, then the Clintons certainly would have uncovered it, and that any lingering questions that might have remained where conclusively put to rest when the President released his "short form" birth certificate back in 2008. The rest was just the rantings of crazy people.

She also pointed out that all the major Conservative leaders, newspapers , and journals (including every show host on FOX News) had rejected it as idiocy. She said it was an idiot fringe issue that only had any traction because the issue was being kept alive by Liberal activists and media (mostly on MSNBC) in an attempt to try to smear the mainstream Conservative movement as a bunch of whackos.

Some empirical evidence in support of that Liberal media smear campaign here:

Andre said...

Hillary Clinton had a legitimate concern (and a political motive) in bringing up the topic of the birth certificate.

That actually raises a very interesting question: DID Hilary have a "legitimate" concern?

What I mean is, where did this whole birth certificate issue ORIGINALLY come from? Did the Clinton campaign have any truly legitimate reason to be suspicious about Obama's birth (did someone they considered reliable slip them what turned out to be a bum tip about it), or did they just desperately invent the story out of whole clothe as a shamelessly sleazy "dirty trick" tactic?

Does anyone know the answer to that question? It seems to me that this would have been an obvious question for some journalist to investigate. Do you know if anyone has ever done so?

All the Wiki article on the topic says about it's origins is:
"During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary campaign."

I haven't followed this story very closely over the years (it just seemed too stupid), but I'm beginning to wonder if Hilary hasn't gotten a total free pass from the press for her possible role in creating it.

It would be one thing if they had a legitimate reason to look into it, and then found out it was baseless and moved on....but it would be a totally different thing if they just completely made it up, and then only abandoned it when it became apparent that it wasn't going to give their campaign the boost they had hoped for.

I have no idea what the truth of the matter is, but it would be very interesting to find out.

denbec said...

The question was asked and answered in 2008 - and again many time since. You and Ann can blame whoever you want. I blame the racists in the GOP. This discussion is over and I won't be commenting on it further. I've already moved on.

Andre said...

Wait, just a few more questions:

I blame the racists in the GOP.

Let me make sure that I am understanding you correctly. Are you saying that the Hilary campaign was snookered into the Obama birth certificate morass by "racists in the GOP" who were intentionally feeding her misleading information? So rather than the whole thing originating as a dirty trick by the Hillary campaign against Obama, it was in actuality a dirty trick by some in the GOP against Hillary?

I suppose that is possible, but if that was the case then don't you surrender the "racist" motivation angle, since the target of the dirty trick would have been Hillary, not Obama, right?


Are you just saying that some racist idiots started posting these allegations on the Hillary site out of pure hateful ranting, not intending them as a false lure to the Hillary campaign (which just turned out to be an unsuspected bonus for them)? If that is what you are claiming, then I have to ask what evidence do you have that these were GOP racists and not Democrat, Hillary supporting, racists? I mean if they were just some dumb-ass right wing racists, wouldn't they have been more likely to post these allegations on some rightwing website, or even for that matter, directly on an Obama website? Why just on the Hillary site?

You say these questions were all asked and answered in 2008? Maybe they were, but I didn't hear about it (like I said before, I wasn't paying too much attention to the issue).

If there are truly answers to these questions,and you know what they are, then why are you keeping them a secret? Please tell me what they are, I really want to know.

That's not too much to ask, is it?

This discussion is over and I won't be commenting on it further.

Huh...that sure doesn't sound like the comment of a man who is very confident in the "answer" he has told himself.

It sounds to me more like the comment of a man who is extremely unsure of his position, but is reluctant to dig too deeply in search of the truth, for fear of what he may find.

Well, I'll leave it up to you. If you are really content to just stick your head in the sand...