Friday, March 04, 2011

Hilarious Hypocrisy

Nobody presents the blatant hypocrisy of the GOP better than The Daily Show With John Stewart.

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Crisis in Dairyland - For Richer and Poorer - Teachers and Wall Street
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Thohea said...

Denbec embraces imbeded video. Yay!

denbec said...

Typically I keep this blog to my own opinions, but I couldn't have said it better than this clip!

Andre said...

Well, it probably won't be any great surprise to you to find out that I though that this Stewart piece was even dumber than I imagined it would be (not even as funny as most so many of his other clips that I've seen).

What a muddle-headed mess! It was hard to pull any consistent narrative out of it, because it was mostly just a montage of various out of context clips, covering a slew of often completely unrelated issues ( in other words, it was a typical example of Liberal "thinking").

He tries to make some big connection with the Wall Street bailout while conveniently neglecting to mention the fact that while 72 Democrat Congressmen voted against the "Wall Street Bailout" (The Emergency Stabilization Act of 2008), so did 123 Republicans! (123 Republican Yes votes; 222 Democrat Yes votes). He also seems oblivious to the fact that anger over the bi-partisan Wall Street Bailout was one of the foundational causes for the rise of the Tea Parties.

...I couldn't have said it better than this clip!

I have no doubt. (rim-shot!)

Here is an example of political satire that actually does have a consistent narrative and shows an educated grasp of the actual issues and dynamics involved (which naturally means it's from a conservative, rather than liberal, perspective):

Hey, you asked....

denbec said...

Wow - talk about lost. Perhaps if you saw the whole piece it would make more sense (it was really a great piece) but you seem to have totally missed what what was being presented. Let me help you.

The hypocrisy is the the Republican party is screaming at the OUTRAGE that teachers are being paid 50,000 a year at the tax payers expense while simultaneously defending the multi-million bonuses and tax cuts of wall street execs bailed out by taxpayers.

Nevermind. If you didn't get that from this piece it is little wonder why you would support the GOP.

Andre said...

Please provide me with some citations to back up your claim that "the Republican party is screaming at the OUTRAGE that teachers are being paid 50,000 a year at the tax payers expense"...that is a claim that I have heard a number of left-wing loonies make, but I have yet to actually hear it from a single Republican elected official.

I suspect you are just drinking the cool-aid and mindlessly passing on the Liberal talking points (i.e...lies).

If that's not what you are doing, then prove it.

I'm waiting.

Andre said...

PS: I notice you ignored the fact that Republican legislators were evenly split as to the wisdom of bailing out Wall Street, while the Dems supported it by a whopping 3 to 1 margin.

But of course, that inconvenient fact would contradict your cartoon version of reality, so you must pretend that it just doesn't exist. After all, the last thing you would want to do is to step outside of the comfort of the Liberal herd group-think and actually think for yourself, right?

I understand...

denbec said...

Good lord Andre - seriously??! WISCONSIN!!!!!

And I won't let you change the topic again. This isn't about the Wall-street bailout. It's about how Republicans believe those that received the bailout funds deserve massive bonuses while at the same time making villains out of teachers who make only $50,000 a year.

Andre said...

Hey, you are the one that brought up the Wall Street Bailout (via John Stewart).

I'm still waiting for you to provide some evidence to back up your claim that "the Republican party is screaming at the OUTRAGE that teachers are being paid 50,000 a year at the tax payers expense".

Who said it? Where and when did they say it? Where is the link that documents it?

Take your time....I'm in no hurry.