Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pledge to White People

The Republicans have unveiled their so called "Pledge to America" and I have to admit - if nothing else it is an honest portrayal of their view of America. I decided I would at least read the document before I commented on it but 40+ pages? Really?? I didn't have enough bathroom time to read that much but I did look at the pictures they chose to include with the document. Lots and lots of white people, cowboys, town hall meetings (with only white people in attendance) and even a national monument with white people (it's in the Black Hills - but that doesn't count). In all the pictures in the document I only saw one minority - a military service person and he was only light brown. Indeed - that is the America that Republicans live in. There are no black people, no poor people, no sick people, and no city people. It's little wonder their policies do not support social programs. The only social program those white people need is the one they actually do support - social security. Most of those folks were really old!

In fairness, they made an attempt to make the document bathroom friendly - slashing it down to only 2 pocket size white pages. Here you can clearly see where their priorities are. Tax cuts for rich white people, no health insurance for people who are not rich white people, more laws to keep the brown people out of the USA, and more wars "over there" to send the black people to fight. Oh, and my favorite line on the pocket size version is the last one: "We will fight efforts to use a national crisis for political gain". Hypocrisy anyone??

Gosh - reading back on this it looks like I'm calling the Republican party racist! Well, if the pledge fits.........

Republicans are not fond of facts. They like to live in a fantasy world where everyone is white, rich, and living in a pleasant little rural Christian town. But facts are facts and in reality the USA is a very diverse nation with many large cities, lots of people of every race and religion. We are a nation with too many poor people and too many sick people and too many homeless people. We have big problems "over here" and due to the greed of the few we have many who suffer. These people need help and that is where Government steps in - not steps out.

I'm glad the Republicans gave us this pledge. I hope everyone reads it (the short version at least) and realizes how out of touch the Republican party is.


Andre said...

Wow...sitting around on the toilet, judging people by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character...what a PERFECT metaphor for the modern Democrat Party!

Rush Limbaugh couldn't have done better.

I found particular delicious the part were you cheerfully admit that you didn't even read the document, but merely projected your own bigoted preconceived notions into it. Absolutely brilliant! (that's not sarcasm...I'm totally serious.)

I'm beginning to suspect that you are in reality a mole for the Republicans (although I must say, if that is true, I'm not comfortable with such sneaky dishonest tactics, even if it is on the side of the Angels, and however cleverly it is carried out).

Either way, keep up the good work!

You never fail to bring a smile to my face.

denbec said...


I figured this post would get your attention. :) But I was hoping you might try to counter my bold claims with examples on how your party really does have the best interest of the poor, sick, and non-Christian folks of the USA in mind with their Pledge to America. Did you read it? Would you like to make another attempt? Can you do so without using the catch phrase "job killing tax"? Because I fail to understand how cutting personal income taxes on the rich creates jobs. Perhaps cuts to business taxes might - but personal income tax?

Anyway, give it another shot.

Andre said...

"I fail to understand how cutting personal income taxes on the rich creates jobs."

Oh brother, are you serious?

The only reason I can imagine that someone could "fail to understand" this would be if they made no effort to understand it at all (and even that would be a stretch).

Listen up, this ain't rocket science:

If Joe Blow down the street makes a lot of money this year, then chances are he's going to spend some of it (maybe a lot of it). Maybe he'll buy a new car, and if he does, then someone ( or a whole lot of someones) has to manufacture it first. Jobs!

Or maybe he'll decide that he can afford to put that addition on his house that he's been thinking about for years: more jobs!

It gets even better though with the really rich, because a lot of those folks became really rich because one of the things that they enjoy doing, one of the things that they are good at, is starting new businesses. The more working capital they have (money) the more likely they are to start new businesses, and one great side effect of new businesses is new jobs!

Of course, it works the other way too; if President Obama decides these people have too much money and decides to take a bunch more of it from them, then a lot of them are probably going to decide that this isn't the year to put that new addition on the mansion or open up those new stores or factories that he's been thinking about. Goodbye jobs!

So you see, "job killing tax" isn't just a phrase, it's a real phenomenon that affects real jobs for real working people in the real world.

Now, was that really that difficult to understand?

denbec said...

"Rich" means you saved your money - not spent it.

Andre said...

So let me get this straight; according to the Denny theory of wealth creation, it would have been better for Sam Walton to put all his money in a savings account rather than risk it by opening a department store? It would have been better for Jobs and Wozniak to buy savings bonds rather than in investing in crazy ideas like a "personal computer"?

Saving is a good thing, but it doesn't make people rich. Investing makes people rich. Creating successful businesses makes people rich. And yes, both of those things requires putting capital at risk.

I'm a carpenter. I don't want the guy down the street to save all his money. I want him to spend a good deal of it because that will create jobs for me and millions of others like me.

When I ended my last post here by asking "...was that really that difficult to understand?" that was meant as a rhetrorical question; it never occured to me that your answer really would be "Yes".

denbec said...

"Save" was a bad choice of words. "Horde" would have been better. If you believe that rich people go out and shower their wealth on the common people - have their wealth "trickle down" - then you are a Republican indeed. That is the fundamental difference between the two parties. A few rich investment brokers might make a few bucks but not many other folks will.

If wealth really did "trickle down", I'd be all for it.

Andre said...

"If wealth really did "trickle down", I'd be all for it."

I'm 48 years old, and I've had a lot of different jobs in my life, and you know what; not a single one of them was ever created or given to me by a poor person. I can honestly say, to the best of my knowledge, that every single person I've ever worked for in my whole life, has had more money than me (some just a little more, and some an astronomical amount more).

Do you see what that means? It means every single dollar that I have ever earned, in my whole life, has "trickled down" to me from people who were wealthier than me.

I think that if you honestly review your own life and employment history, you will find that the same is substantially true for you too (unless you"re a trust fund baby!).

You can say that you don't believe in "trickle down economics" all you want, but chances are your whole life is a living testimony and proof to the reality of it.

denbec said...

That's a good point Andre. Some does trickle down. But those that are hording billions don't trickle much. And if you have billions would you really miss a few more tax dollars - still way less than paid in the past?

I think you realize that while corporations are taking over America quickly, most business are still small Mom and Pop shops. The Obama policy is to reduce those people's taxes. And those people are the ones that really do trickle. (it's kind of a fun word - LOL)