Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Important Election Approaches

November 2, 2010 is a very important day. Democrats - you must get out and vote!

The coming election has the potential to undo all the great things the Obama administration has accomplished in the last 2 years. If you believe the media and all the comments in the on-line news stories then you would think the election is going to be a landslide victory for the Republicans. That's what they want you to believe and they think it's working. Well even though I don't believe the media or the comments I am still very concerned because of the low Democratic voter turnout in the primary elections. We can't win if we don't vote!

Democrats have not forgotten the state of this country the Obama administration inherited. We haven't forgotten that the Republicans have tried to block every monumental accomplishment in the last 2 years. We haven't forgotten they said:
  • No to health care reform (without another suggestion except "start over").
  • No to financial reform (Corporate greed is OK with them).
  • No to jobs bills.
  • No to environmental bills.
  • No to tax cuts for the middle class.
  • No to everything! (wait, they did say yes to tax cuts for the rich).
Still the Obama administration has passed historic and monumental legislation against all this resistance because we still have a majority - but that could change in November.

We haven't forgotten all these things, but we did forget to vote in the primary elections. Complacency is the biggest problem the Democratic party has and this is where Republicans have a clear advantage. They don't have a better plan - but they do vote. They have lead a very aggressive and coordinated campaign against positive change since November 2008. Only you can stop the insanity - VOTE!

If you want this country to be run by the likes of Glen Beck, Sara Palin, Rush Limbaugh, or Pastor Terry Burns, - then stay home on election day. If you want to keep hope and change alive then get off the couch and vote Democratic on November 2nd. We still have a lot to do.

It's very important! Spread the word!

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