Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Financing Bigotry

I don't see why I have to pay taxes to these government organizations that are outright sponsoring bigotry and hatred. My hard earned income tax is going to the Federal Government who is denying my basic equal rights as a legal citizen of this country because I am a gay man. And now the Mayor of Fort Lauderdale is creating an environment of hatred where I do not feel safe. I am a home owner in this city where I am paying out of control real estate taxes. That money is being used by our elected officials to wage a campaign against good upstanding citizens who happen to be gay. Why must I pay for this?

But of course if I don't I go to jail. I voluntarily stopped donating to organized religions who choose bigotry over Christianity, but I don't get that choice with taxes. I'm paying for my own oppression on every level. It is sick injustice.

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