Thursday, February 23, 2006

Port Deal - Bad Deal

I am all for free trade and a global marketplace - but this deal sends red flags in my head.

The Bushes, Cheneys and other people involved with big oil companies may be good friends with the Unites Arab Emirates, but I don't believe the UAE are friends of the American people - they literally have us over a barrel with oil prices. So I was shocked when I read last Sunday that 6 major ports in the USA were sold to the UAE. But I am absolutely stunned by the fact that our President and Congress didn't know about the sale until after it was already approved. I am further flabbergasted that the President supports the deal. And as details come out it seems more and more of a secret deal that is possibly illegal and bypassed proper checks and balances.

Personally, I had no idea that the ports were already run by a British company. Doesn't it just seem odd? But regardless of that fact, it just seems really unusual that of all the companies in the world, a UAE company would be the new buyer.

These major ports are the back door - maybe even the front door to the USA. The fact that these ports are already poorly regulated and shipments seldom inspected was one of the main focus points of John Kerry's presidential run. It is an extremely vulnerable area to the United States security. And now our President thinks it is just fine that they will be controlled by an organization that has specific ties to 9/11.


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