Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Healthcare is Big Business

Today while on the treadmill at the gym I watched the President give a press conference where he spoke on the problems with our health care system. He spoke of cuts that need to be made to make the system work better. But this is the wrong approach in my opinion.

Here is the problem with our health care system in a nutshell. The pharmaceutical companies and medical professionals seriously over charge for their products. The insurance companies refuse to cover it - so they pass those extra costs on to the patients in higher co-pays or simply refuse to cover certain things at all. By not covering certain things they deem as overpriced, they are second guessing the physicians and now the patients are not getting the care their doctor recommends. Those are big problems and making cuts to the patients benefits is not going to solve the problem.

The problem needs to be addressed at the top - not the bottom. These giant corporations should be regulated much like an electric utility is. If the cost of drugs and physician care would come within a reasonable realm, the rest of it would likely fall into place. But don't expect that to happen while the current administration is in power. These huge corporations are big supporters of the GOP because they support big business. So, as is always with the republican philosophy, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the sick get sicker - or die.

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