Thursday, November 04, 2010

A Message to President Obama

I watched the Presidents press conference the day after the election and I have this message for Mr. Obama:

Once again, I am honored to have such a smart, competent courageous and eloquent person leading this country. Much of the USA has a short attention span and honestly has forgotten the major crises you have been battling these last 2 years were not caused by your policies. Further, they can't grasp the concept of how much worse things would be right now had you not acted swiftly and firmly. But many of us have been paying attention and we know the truth. We still support you and your policies. We hope this new division of power will bring balance to our Government, but we realize that is not likely. Please try co-operation again as you have these last 2 years. However, if the only answer you continue to get is No - then please stand firm on your principles. You have put people ahead of corporations and that is the hope and change we voted for.

Since I know you read my blog regularly, I want you to know we still strongly support you! Keep up the great work!



Andre said...

wow...first, I've got to say that this whole worshiping the Great Wise Leader-last days in the bunker - type vibe you've got going is kinda creepy. Very cult-like. But hey, to each his own.

What strikes me though, in both the Presidents press conference and in your post, is the amazing level of denial involved and the stunning arrogance: the people of this country are just too stupid to realize how great and brilliant this President is...he's just light years ahead of everyone else!

It doesn't really bother me that you think that way (no offense), but it's really disturbing to realize that the President obviously thinks that way too.

I am comforted though, now, to know that with the Republican victory in the House, that the Obama Agenda is dead in the water.

The very real possibility now exists, which I wouldn't have even considered just a few months ago, that Obama might really end up being a one term President.

Keep Hope alive!

denbec said...

So you are confirming that rather than work to get something done - as every politician has promised in the past, you will spend the next 2 years blocking and trying to undo.

The Democrats did lose this election - the whole country lost.

Andre said...

"you will spend the next 2 years blocking and trying to undo. "


That is exactly what I expect the new Republican majority in the House to do: block the Obama-Agenda and try to repeal as much of it as possible.

Why would I even vote for them if they weren't going to do that? What would be the point?

I believe that the Obama-Agenda is BAD for this country. I want it to fail and fail completely. It would simply be pereverse of me to vote for someone who was going to go to Washington to do any else than oppose it.

Luckily for me, it appears that a growing majority of Americans also want that to happen.

Whether the new Republican Congress will actually stand by their principles, or whether they will be seduced and corrupted by power, is of course, a completely different question.

And no Denny, it was Obama who lost this election, and his inability to accept that is just one more piece of eveidence that he's not half as intelligent as he thinks he is.

Thohea said...

So Andre, I'm curious. Other than a fox news catchphrase, what is the Obama - Agenda exactly?

I'm asssuming you mean it to refer to health care for all americans (which fox news has also coined Obamacare). If this is so, are you really THAT against providing affordable care for your fellow americans that you would fight tooth and nail to prevent it from happening? I can understand if you don't agree with the game plan this administration has laid out to accomplish this goal but why would you want it to "fail and fail badly"? THAT seems perverse to me. Is it the ideology you oppose? It seems personal to me, the republican attitue towards Obama.

Gridlock will solve nothing and serve no one. Can this country really afford gridlock in its current state?

We're so busy trying to prove how the other party is wrong. I'd love to see this country united again. Maybe if we were united we'd still be the nation with the fastest supercomputer, the leading nation in bioscience or alternative energy.

But we're not.

Andre said...


OK, fair've asked some reasonable questions, I'll try to give you some reasonable answers.

I'll take your word that "Obama-Agenda" is a Fox catch-phrase (not owning a television, I never get to watch Fox). I didn't necessarily mean for the phrase itself to be a pejorative; I just naturally assume that every President has an agenda that they want to accomplish (otherwise, why aspire to the office: just to ride in limo's and hang out with celebrities?).

1. It's no secret what the Obama Agenda is all about. As President Obama himself has said, his goal is the "fundamental restructuring" of the American economy through a massive increase in the size and reach of the Federal government and all its bureaucracies. The three keystones of that goal in the first eighteen months of the Obama Administration have been Stimulus, Healthcare, and Cap & Trade.

2. "..are you really THAT against providing affordable care for your fellow americans that you would fight tooth and nail to prevent it from happening?"

The premise of your question is flawed. If I believed that Obama care would provide Americans with affordable healthcare, I would support it. It is precisely because I believe that Obama care will have the exact opposite effect, that I oppose it.

3. "Gridlock will solve nothing and serve no one. Can this country really afford gridlock in its current state?"

Look at it this way: In the two centuries-plus before Pres. George W. Bush took office, the national debt grew to $5.7 trillion. Over his two terms, he added almost $5 trillion more. Current Obama administration projections indicate that the National Debt will increase by approximately $6.5 trillion during President Obama’s first term alone. If gridlock will stop or slow that freight train, then far from accomplishing nothing, it may perhaps save the future of this nation for our children.

Naturally, I would prefer a Congress and President that worked together to cut spending and reduced the debt, but since that is currently unlikely, I would say that the correct formulation of the question is: Can this country afford NOT to have gridlock?

I hope that helps.

denbec said...

So......I'm right then. The Republicans lied to the voters saying JOBS were #1 when in fact repealing and blocking are truly #1.

Andre said...

Again, you seem incapable of understanding the point: repealing/blocking the Obama-Agenda and creating jobs are identical...they mean the same thing!

denbec said...

Just like Obama's policies and saving jobs are the same thing. Republicans did a great job of focusing on lost jobs without considering saved jobs. Even Elizabeth Hasselbeck on the view couldn't get that concept. So many more people would be without jobs had our government not taken swift action. Plus, we may actually make money on the deals we made with auto manufacturers etc.

Being a carpenter, I'll bet you personally know people who's jobs ware saved by the Obama Administration - weather you care to admit or not.

Andre said...

Taking one step forward and then two steps backwards in not progress.

I am perfectly willing to admit that the Obama-Agenda will create some number of jobs ( mostly for government bureaucrats!). There is nothing controversial about that. The point is that the Presidents big goverment, slow growth policies will destroy far more jobs than they creates and/or they will keep the rate of new job growth far below what it could otherwise be.

How impressed would you be with a Republican President with a 9.6 unemployment rate, who kept bragging about "saved jobs"?

I have no idea who Elizabeth Hasselbeck is, should I?

Andre said...

Ohhh...The View.

Isn't that one of those Gay shows?


Thohea said...

I remember Bush and his administration outsourcing my job field to foriegn countries by creating tax cuts for business that did so, something very un-american in my eyes. And I'm not talking about cheap labor jobs but technical IT jobs.

I'm sure those tax cuts helped someone get a raise but it wasn't me.

Andre said...

"I'd love to see this country united again." -Thohea

You mean something like this:

denbec said...

LOL - That's good comedy!