Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Anchor Marriages

There are two hot topic issues in the news these days. Immigration law and Gay Marriage. But did you know the two are very related? Yes, Immigration law is yet another right that gay couples are denied because their unions are not recognized the same as heterosexual couples. A foreigner who legally marries a US citizen also becomes a US citizen. Not so for gay folks. If we happen to fall in love with a foreigner we have no hope of making that person a US citizen by marriage law. In fact I know many couples who have had their loved one forced to leave the country with no regard to their loving partner. In other cases gay people have been forced into scam marriages with someone of the opposite sex in order to gain citizenship. This is not only illegal but a real violation of the sanctity of marriage. It need not be so.

It is important to realize that marriage law covers many areas of a couple's lives. It is far different than religious beliefs in that everyone in the USA is bound by the same laws - or at least they should be. And these are important laws - hospital visitation, tax law, property management, child care and yes, even immigration. When it comes down to laws (not religion) everyone in the USA needs to be treated equally.

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