Friday, July 02, 2010

Illegal Imigration is the American Way

This weekend we celebrate amnesty for all illegal immigrants in this country - the first time. Is it so different now? I do not argue that illegal immigration is a huge financial burden on this country and causes other problems as well. Most agree this situation needs to be controlled. However, we have allowed decades - even centuries of illegal immigrants to enter this country. The illegals we have here today won't just leave because we ask them to and searching them out to deport them would involve a massive discriminatory manhunt costing billions. It would also destroy families who have been here for generations.

The problem of illegal immigration is an issue of the past - we allowed them here, they are here and and they will be here. The only solution is the control our borders and sky in the future. Each time we fail to do that we must start over. To start over we must grant amnesty to those already here. And we must grant this with conditions that will force illegals to want such amnesty - as in you will be turned away from schools, hospitals, and other public support unless you are a citizen. Bring them out of hiding, tax their work, make them contributing members of our society, pay their own way and start over. If we do it right next time then problem solved. Otherwise we start over again.

Happy 4th of July!

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