Friday, December 11, 2009

Market of Monsters

The USA has become a market of monsters - business so huge that they can control the market with their policies (AT&T, Microsoft etc.). Would these companies have gotten so huge if they hadn't been able to buy up the competition? I think not - at least not to this extreme. I have a "cure" for business gone bad (and I wrote about it before).

The concept: Do not allow companies to buy or merge with other companies.

It's simple - a company would be allowed to grow as much as they want - as they do in the current market. But, if they are not allowed to buy or merge with other businesses, they will grow slower and more controlled. A business must then use creative ways to entice customers from the competition - thereby creating a real marketplace rather than a monopoly. If a business fails, their customers and employees would be free to choose a new business to support - rather than be forced to do business with a company they would not choose. Hostile takeovers followed by mass layoffs would be a thing of the past.

There really is no downside to this concept because companies could still work together to form synergistic alliances. And imagine how easy it would be to part ways if that synergy didn't work out (think AOL and Time Warner).

This concept would not hinder the free market - but rather easily regulate it.

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