Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Bad Cord Luck

I suffer from a condition I've decided to call "Bad Cord Luck". Let me explain:

Whenever I go to pull a garden hose, extension cord or anything else that could possibly get caught on something - it absolutely will get caught. It is no longer a question of "if" it will get caught but more likely what will it get caught on? There have even been times when I'm winding something up and there clearly is nothing around that could impede my progress. In that case the item somehow gets caught up in itself. Tangled messes are a daily occurrence for me.

This is especially evident during the Holidays with all the light strings, extension cords, garland, and don't even get me started on tinsel. After realizing this pattern in my life I've decided to find it "interesting". It also extends to other parts of my life. Traffic lights - always red. Checkout line at the store? You can rest assured the tape will run out or they will change shifts just as I approach.

I only have myself to blame for all this. Some years ago I prayed for patience. I've heard that God works in mysterious ways and I guess bad cord luck = lots of patience!

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