Sunday, September 18, 2005

No Money in a Cure

They can send a man to the moon but they can't find a cure for the common cold? That is something my Mom would say. I would ask - They can clone an animal, maybe even a human but they can't cure cancer or AIDS? Why is nothing "cured" anymore? The answer is very simple. Money.

CURE a cold and the pharmaceutical companies will thrive for a year. TREAT a cold and they can thrive forever! I believe there are already cures for most things these days, but just think how much money these drug companies are making treating these conditions rather than releasing a cure. Go down to your nearest pharmacy - it's not far - there is one on every corner these days. Now look at the wall of products used to TREAT colds. Impressive, isn't it. Now look at the prices. Get it? Now factor in the big ticket ailments - AIDS, Diabetes, Cancer etc. And you can easily see why the pharmaceutical companies are thriving these days.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I would LOVE to have someone prove me wrong. What we need is an independent investigation of these pharmaceutical companies. But be sure to keep the Government out of the investigation - after all, these companies are big contributors to the current administration. We need to offer large rewards to "whistle blowers" currently working in these companies and give them protection after the fact. Once we can prove this is happening we will be a very healthy society. Until then - gazundheidt.

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