Saturday, December 20, 2014

Tyranny with a C

Some folks are terrified of government tyranny and have begun to stock firearms of all types in preparation.  This seems silly to me because no matter how big or automatic your guns are - they would be no match to the massive weapons of our own military.  These people live in denial but not just because they are out-gunned, but because they fear the wrong oppressor.  The real beast is not just our government but rather our government under the control of massive corporations.  Real corporate tyranny has been brewing for years but at this point in our lives it has possibly reached a point of true reality.

Without looking up the definition of corporate tyranny - here is my definition of what it is:  A state where large corporations have acquired enough resources and power to enable them to control world governments while disabling employment protections or government restrictions on their activities.

There is an important element to a corporation that allows this sort of thing to occur.  A corporation does not have the same lifespan as that of a human being.  Some of America's corporations have been around for over two centuries.  This endless lifespan allows corporations to continue to grow and encompass more wealth and power as the years go by.   Wealth and power go hand in hand as ingredients of corporate tyranny.  With enough money, a corporation can begin to control governments through legal lobbying.  As the corporations are successful at getting their issues passed in government, they can now grow and exploit resources more freely.

In the past this exploitation has been kept somewhat in check with government regulations.  These regulations were able to be enacted and enforced because our nations voting system was real.  A person's opinion was based on real facts and circumstances and votes reflected this reality.  However, as corporations grew and gained political power they were better able to control our government.  With increased communication thorough TV and more importantly the Internet - they are now able to sway public opinion with targeted ads.  This twisting of reality - especially to those who are not paying close attention has allowed the corporations to seat some very important people in our government including the Supreme Court.  The court has recently made some landmark decisions in favor of the corporations which relax regulation, increase the influence on our elections and stifle employment protections by dismantling employee unions.  In recent years the balance of power has shifted heavily toward the corporations.  They now have the power to "purchase" Senators, Governors and even Presidents.  The election of 2014 is a perfect example of this control.  A disproportionate amount was spent by the Republican party which is known as the party of business.  For them it was money well spent and the control of government power has tipped back in their favor.  This despite the fact that people overwhelmingly voted for issues that are not supported by this shift in power.  At this point - unless there is some sort of drastic change - I do not see it possible that power will ever be tipped back in favor of the people.  Money controls not only this country but the world in general.  When people have lost control of their own destiny - that is what I call Tyranny.

Unfortunately you can't fight corporate tyranny with guns because the corporation can survive war.  For this reason I believe that corporate tyranny is worse by far than government tyranny and at some point they become one in the same.  It will be far more difficult to escape the clutches of corporate tyranny then that of any other power.  I made a suggestion years ago that would have at least slowed the growth of corporations but since nothing like BECi has been implemented we have simply lost control.  However, there is something else that could shift the power back to the people.  It would require a giant leap of faith - or rather a giant lack of faith in something we all currently believe in.  It will be the topic of my next article sometime soon.  

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