Tuesday, May 08, 2012

The American Way

Bill Maher had a guest on "Real Time" a couple weeks ago who said something that really stuck with me.  I believe the gentleman's name was Charles Murray and unfortunately Bill didn't let him speak long enough because he wasn't going in the direction of Bill's point - but at least I got the message.  Charles said Americans are so focused on the "American Dream" that we have totally forgotten the "American Way".  Historically the American way was a culture of helping others.  If you saw someone with a flat tire - you would stop to help.  We mowed our elderly neighbors yards - for free.  We watched over each others homes and fed their pets on their vacation.  Business consisted of quality products and services at a modest profit.  Honesty and integrity were values cherished by most - including politicians.  Parents were respected and children behaved.  food was real.  A comfortable house and an automobile were affordable - the American Dream was a real possibility with a little hard work.

Then it changed.

Suddenly Americans were focused on wealth.  We want giant houses, huge cars, designer jeans, 5 televisions, the best - the most expensive, and we will do anything to get it.  We don't have time to feed the neighbors pet, and besides we might get sued if something happens.  Grandma can take a taxi to church - I've got things to do.  Mom needs to work to pay for all this "stuff" and the kids grow up unattended and undisciplined - many turning to lives of crime for entertainment.  Animals are abused to maximize profit and jobs are sent overseas where humans are abused for the same reason.  Americans have lost their WAY. 

Because Americans have lost their way - we have also lost the dream.  America needs to change drastically to get them both back.


Anonymous said...

Spot on denbec. Sadly.


denbec said...

Thanks Lisa. It seems greed is the new American way. That is sad indeed.