Friday, February 06, 2009

Where is the FDA?

No prescription drug should be advertised if one of the possible side effects is death. And, in my opinion, no prescription drug should be advertised at all - especially if the possible side effects are worse than the condition, or takes more than one page in the magazine to list. Furthermore, the phrase "ask your doctor if blaz-x is right for you" is absurd.

We need to get back to a place where Doctors decide what we need and then inform the patient, about any possible side effects. Instead, what the pharmaceutical companies have created is a society of hypochondriacs. It is a very profitable situation for them but very unethical if you ask me.

Advertise the over the counter drugs all you want - supposedly they are safe enough to be sold without a doctors advice. But prescription drugs by their very nature should only be advertised and distributed to the physicians. And, the drug should be properly tested, safe, and approved by the FDA before it can ever be an option.

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