Thursday, November 13, 2008

Do Unto Yourselves As You Do Unto Us

When a person doesn't manage their money correctly, they may overdraw their bank account. At that point the bank not only demands that you deposit money to make up the difference, they also charge a large overdraft fee - something I've never quite understood. If you didn't have enough money to begin with, why do they think you can suddenly come up with more?

Well now it is the bank's turn. Seems many of them have "overdrawn" their systems by investing in bad mortgages and other questionable business practices. If the banking theory of penalties works for them - it should work for us too. They need to come up with the money they owe NOW. And they need to pay a penalty for overextending themselves.

What is happening instead is that the banks want us to bail them out! They actually want the tax payers to give them money so they can continue to be in business. Can you imagine what the bank's response would be if you asked them to "give" you money to cover your overdrafts? That is the same response we need to give them.

Let the banks fail. The taxpayer's money can be used to bail out the good people who would lose their money because of the failure - not the bank itself. So simple.

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