Wednesday, November 05, 2008


The result of the election is incredible - and it has little to do with the historic nature of it. I truly believe that Barack Obama is a good and honest man. He is an eloquent speaker and believes in the power of the people. He has the ability to gather support from huge crowds. President Elect Obama has a vision of the future. He understands the many challenges we face. He will listen as well as decide. I truly believe he has the power to heal the international wounds created in the last eight years. I have great hope that he will accomplish much of what he promised. I look forward with great anticipation to his term(s) as President.

But be warned - I am not a "stand by your man" type of person as were many who supported President Bush. The promise of this new President is great, but he must earn the respect of the American people. I have no doubt he will do just that. I wish he could start today.

Change has come to America.

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