Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A Billion Here - A Billion There

Spend, Spend, Spend - The Bush administration seems to be very good at it. Got an endless war? Throw 80 Billion a year at it. Earthquake overseas - throw some billions there (we should of course). A possible bird flu pandemic - it's ok - we got billions! Spending is easy - but where is this money coming from? Certainly not from increased taxes - perish the thought! There is an easier way - just borrow it!

I wonder what would happen if I quit my job and just charged everything? That's basically what the Bush administration is doing to this country.

Ask anyone who is trying to recover from serious credit card debt how their life is - they will tell you they are miserable. No one will give you any new credit and you pay outrageous fees on all the debt you do have. You can't get ahead because every time you try to buy something - you have to pay such a high interest rate. Plus things start to break and can't be fixed. It's not fun at all.

This country is in the same situation and will be for many years to come. America needs to get a better job! Either that or win the lottery. But that never worked for me.

1 comment:

denbec said...

Ha! I accidently clicked the publish button with only half the title done. LOL