Saturday, October 01, 2005

I Scream

I try to choose my battles carefully - I like to fight for the little things I find unfair. But apparently I'm no good at it and here is an example.

I work in a warehouse facility that also has a corporate office in the same building. I used to go out to the warehouse vending area to get ice cream because the machine in the office didn't have the kind I like. Several weeks ago they replaced the machine in the office with the same type machine and it had those drumsticks I like! But the price was $.50 more than the warehouse. I sent an e-mail to HR asking why and they said they would check with the vendor and have it taken care of. You can almost guess what happened - they raised the price in the warehouse!

I was re-assured that the vendor had intended to raise the price anyway but I still feel it was my fault they now have to pay more. It brings new meaning to the jingle "I scream - you scream".

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