Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I had a hard time getting through today.  I felt like I never really woke up totally - even now at 11:30pm.  In fact I put off a painting side job this morning and went home and slept for an hour.  It didn't really help much. 

Animals sleep way more than people do.  So do infants and children who don't have a pressing schedule.  I think it is entirely possible that people believe we need way less sleep than we actually do.  It could also be a reason for many health issues - including ADD.  I wonder if coffee shops would be doing such great business if we were all totally rested.  Perhaps we would even use more of our brain power as sleeping seems to enhance our thought process. Forgive me for rambling - I'm tired.

Someone somewhere somehow decided we need 8 hours of sleep.  I think they may have underestimated. 


Anonymous said...

did you read this?

The idea that we should sleep in eight-hour chunks is relatively recent. The world’s population sleeps in various and surprising ways. Millions of Chinese workers continue to put their heads on their desks for a nap of an hour or so after lunch, for example, and daytime napping is common from India to Spain.

It's a great explanation to our 'view' of 8 hrs of sleep. As a menopausal woman, I can tell you, I've struggled with sleep until my doctor got all of my medications straightened out.

Lisa in Indy
p.s. good to see a post again!

denbec said...

Interesting article Lisa and oddly relevant. Last night I woke up shortly after falling asleep for the first time and was thinking about some things that kept me awake for over an hour (or maybe lightly sleeping). I was worried when I saw the 4:00am on the clock that I would be dead tired all day again today. However I've really felt pretty good today - even though it was hard to get out of bed to begin with. I'm also a firm believer in naps and since I work the evening shift (3pm - midnight) I typically take a 30 min. nap just prior to getting ready for work. I've always been a napper and believe our bodies were designed to have a nap shortly after lunch. Many cultures recognize this and have worked it into their daily lives. Siesta anyone?! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes! Add that to the fact that you have to work second shift also adds to the sleepy syndrome. I actually did much better working second shift. First shift killed me sometimes. When I worked days, I would eat lunch and like clockwork, at 2:30-3pm, I would need a nap. Sometime, I went to the bathroom and closed my eyes there for a Power Nap. I changed my lunch menu to whole foods like salad and no carbs and seemed to do better in the afternoon with more energy and was less drowsiness. See if that works for you.