Not ugly - Revolting! America fights back against extremists and corporate tyranny.
Also, some light hearted commentary from your basic average dude.
Monday, February 06, 2012
Alien Newt
I was watching the original Men In Black (MIB) this weekend. I had to chuckle when they showed the aliens most closely monitored. And this was way back in 1997!
Bwaahaa, THAT photo made me LOL.
I can't believe the conservatives that voted recently for a two-timing divorcee who changed his wives as often as his religion. He was fined for ethic violations and voted out of his high ranking position in Congress and disgraced! Do they have amnesia? He's an opportunist of the worst kind! I'm all for forgiveness but that also requires a humble admission that you don't belong in politics anymore. What a crook! Lisa in Indy
Right - I believe in forgiveness too. But only if the person has stopped doing what they have done and indicate they have made an effort to change. Newt is a weasel who will never change. How he made it this far is beyond me. And as a gay man I have to ask a glaring question in my mind - who would marry this guy even once??! Money must be really sexy to some people.
I have to ask... is his current wife even real? She looks like an automaton with bad hair, and like every subserviant republican wife, always stands at least 3 ft. behind her husband.
That's easy to explain. Newt got his big bump in the polls after a couple of strong debate performances. He was able to accomplish that for two reasons:
1. He knows how to think fast on his feet, and how to articulate his thoughts better than anyone else on the stage.
2. He is more knowledgeable about history and politics than anyone else on the stage. He knows more about the nuts and bolts of just about every single major (and minor) issue that has been debated in the Congress over the last 30 years (and has a better grasp of the entire history of political and social issues in this country since the Founding) than probably any other man in American politics alive today.
Those are his strong points, and in some of the last debates, he was able to capitalize on his strengths to gain some traction.
But, for many of the reasons that you have mentioned, and others, his weaknesses outweigh his strengths, and will eventually catch up with him, as they seem to be doing lately.
He will not be the Republican nominee. Which is good for America (and good for Republicans!)...but boy, it sure would have been fun watching him eviscerate President Obama in the Presidential Debates (a short lived satisfaction though that would have been, since Obama almost certainly would have trounced him in the general election, the debates notwithstanding, since as you have pointed out, Newt's just not a very attractive or likable guy).
Wow...what a thoughtful and mature response, Lisa.
You must have sat up all night thinking up that one.
I have some friends who think I'm crazy to even attempt to engage in any meaningful debate with Liberals.
"You are wasting your time." They tell me. "Liberals are just too stupid to engage in rational debate, All they know how to do is foam at the mouth and hurl childish insults." (Paraphrasing).
But I always say no, that's just a cartoon stereotype, and we should resist the temptation to indulge in that of thing. So I continue to attempt to engage on the substance of the issues. I continue to leave the welcome mat open for a respectful and meaningful discussion and yet all I seem to ever get in return is more childish insults.
I just don't know anymore; maybe I was wrong; maybe my friends have been right all along: maybe Liberals are just too stupid....
If you're going to make comments on the internet, you're going to have to grow a thicker skin Man. Seriously, you really need to CHILL OUT. Life is too short to take everyone and everything so seriously. Everyone is managing their own crisis and should get a laugh daily. Lisa
Bwaahaa, THAT photo made me LOL.
I can't believe the conservatives that voted recently for a two-timing divorcee who changed his wives as often as his religion. He was fined for ethic violations and voted out of his high ranking position in Congress and disgraced! Do they have amnesia? He's an opportunist of the worst kind! I'm all for forgiveness but that also requires a humble admission that you don't belong in politics anymore. What a crook!
Lisa in Indy
Right - I believe in forgiveness too. But only if the person has stopped doing what they have done and indicate they have made an effort to change. Newt is a weasel who will never change. How he made it this far is beyond me. And as a gay man I have to ask a glaring question in my mind - who would marry this guy even once??! Money must be really sexy to some people.
I have to ask... is his current wife even real? She looks like an automaton with bad hair, and like every subserviant republican wife, always stands at least 3 ft. behind her husband.
She does look like a robot! If she married for money, she's paid a high price, don't you think? The dude looks pregnant.
ha ha
I guess a "trophy wife" should look like one - eh? LOL
"How he made it this far is beyond me."
That's easy to explain. Newt got his big bump in the polls after a couple of strong debate performances. He was able to accomplish that for two reasons:
1. He knows how to think fast on his feet, and how to articulate his thoughts better than anyone else on the stage.
2. He is more knowledgeable about history and politics than anyone else on the stage. He knows more about the nuts and bolts of just about every single major (and minor) issue that has been debated in the Congress over the last 30 years (and has a better grasp of the entire history of political and social issues in this country since the Founding) than probably any other man in American politics alive today.
Those are his strong points, and in some of the last debates, he was able to capitalize on his strengths to gain some traction.
But, for many of the reasons that you have mentioned, and others, his weaknesses outweigh his strengths, and will eventually catch up with him, as they seem to be doing lately.
He will not be the Republican nominee. Which is good for America (and good for Republicans!)...but boy, it sure would have been fun watching him eviscerate President Obama in the Presidential Debates (a short lived satisfaction though that would have been, since Obama almost certainly would have trounced him in the general election, the debates notwithstanding, since as you have pointed out, Newt's just not a very attractive or likable guy).
Did you hear that? All I heard was Blah, blah, blah.
I've been hearing that a lot lately. LOL
Wow...what a thoughtful and mature response, Lisa.
You must have sat up all night thinking up that one.
I have some friends who think I'm crazy to even attempt to engage in any meaningful debate with Liberals.
"You are wasting your time." They tell me. "Liberals are just too stupid to engage in rational debate, All they know how to do is foam at the mouth and hurl childish insults." (Paraphrasing).
But I always say no, that's just a cartoon stereotype, and we should resist the temptation to indulge in that of thing. So I continue to attempt to engage on the substance of the issues. I continue to leave the welcome mat open for a respectful and meaningful discussion and yet all I seem to ever get in return is more childish insults.
I just don't know anymore; maybe I was wrong; maybe my friends have been right all along: maybe Liberals are just too stupid....
Andre says:
"all I seem to ever get in return is more childish insults"
Immediately followed by:
"maybe Liberals are just too stupid...."
If you're going to make comments on the internet, you're going to have to grow a thicker skin Man. Seriously, you really need to CHILL OUT. Life is too short to take everyone and everything so seriously. Everyone is managing their own crisis and should get a laugh daily.
It's been a couple of days now. I wonder how that thicker skin growth is going.
Happy Weekend!
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