Disgusting. Every time I go to the beach I see this. Thousands of them stuck in the sand like a giant ash tray. This particular one was stuck in the sand shortly after the rude smoker blew his filthy stench into the air that wafted quickly to my area. He then bent down, stuck it into the sand and walked away. He was wearing a hat that said Beach Ambassador. I picked this one up after I took the pic - thousands more remain. Smokers have no respect for themselves, for those around them, or for their environment. I see these butts tossed from car windows, stuck in flower pots, littered in the street, in lawns, waterfalls - everywhere. At my job there are containers put out specifically to dispose of cigarette butts - yet hundreds of them litter the area within feet of the container. I guess we shouldn't expect those who are rude enough to smoke in the first place, to make any effort to clean up after themselves. They are worse than the trash they leave behind.
That has been one of my pet peeves for years!
Why is it socially acceptable for people to just toss their butts onto the ground wherever they happen to be standing at that moment?
I bet the vast majority of these same folks would never for an instant even consider just throwing an empty soda can or a candy wrapper onto the ground, but they never even think twice about just tossing their cigarette butts down onto the ground wherever they happen to be.
One time I actually said something to someone...as nicely as I could...and they looked at me like I was some kind of lunatic (shut up!).
I am assuming that it is technically illegal (is it?), but I have never seen or heard of anyone ever actually being cited for doing it.
If I was a beat cop I would be writing hundreds of tickets a day!
I am actually surprised that some cash strapped city doesn't make that a bigger issue.
I think some efforts are being made to ban smoking on public beaches but it is being met with fierce resistance from those who claim to have "smokers rights". I say people do have a right to smoke as long as they can take every bit of the smoke into their own body and leave it there (never let it out) and then dispose of the butts by eating them.
Listen, I have a busy day planned so I only have a minute to spare. Former smoker here. 30+ yr smoker. It's a disgusting habit and I'm thankful I finally overcame it. But some of us were very considerate about where we disposed of the 'butts' and eating them makes me gag just considering it. ewww...
Lisa in Indy.
Now just imagine all the fish that will have to eat them when they finally wash out to sea. Yuk.
My point about eating the butts is that smoking is in no way a personal habit. It is very public - no matter where you do it. We have laws that keep people from having too loud of music but not many that keep that stench from coming to me. I drive with my windows down whenever possible because I love nature. That car in front of me probably doesn't even realize the smoke they are blowing out their window is going directly into my car. Then here comes the sparking butt as they toss it out the window. Double rude.
I totally agree! Whenever someone flicks a cig out their car window, I honk at them and point at it! It's LITTERING!
And I agree with Andre - most people that do this probably would never imagine tossing any other litter around. It seems to be a mental block with smokers. I guess they think they just "go away". They don't - not for a very long time.
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