Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Caught in the Reform

Its just my luck that I would get caught up in all this health care reform mess. In order for me to accomplish my long time goal of a cross country bicycle ride this summer, I was forced to resign from my job because my company does not give leave for personal reasons such as this. I was offered a COBRA health policy but it was unbelievably cost prohibitive. So I was forced into the nightmare of shopping for a personal health policy. The choices were numerous, confusing and costly. Anything that was remotely affordable included very high deductibles and no prescription coverage. Since my bicycle adventure was a potentially dangerous feat, I finally purchased just such a policy - after all, it would only be temporary until I returned to my former job.

Two days after my departure, my former employer declared Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and many people lost their jobs. All those unfortunate co-workers were now in the same situation I was in. The Bankruptcy proceedings were completed just before I completed my journey. Fortunately for me, someone in my old position (but on 3rd shift) wanted to voluntarily leave and so I was able to get back to work (with a substantial pay cut). But because of the bankruptcy, the company was on a hiring freeze and I was forced to work as a contractor through an employment agency with no benefits. I decided to retain the health policy I purchased. The agency I am working for then offered a group policy for less than what my personal policy cost, but also includes high deductibles. That group plan also includes prescription coverage so now I'm applying for that policy which won't be effective for almost 2 months.

Through all this mess I've had to listen to angry mobs in Town Hall meetings scream about how there is nothing wrong with health coverage and there is no need for a public option. These people are likely in a solid job with a good group policy. But there are problems - big ones. Thankfully I didn't have a pre-existing condition which would have further complicated my situation. I can tell you with certainty, if there were a public option for health coverage, I would have taken it. It is needed.

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