Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I'm Starving

We now live in a world where genetically engineered food, cloned animals, farmed seafood, overcrowded chicken farms and the like have become a fact of our everyday lives. Why is this all necessary? One word explains it all – Overpopulation.

I don’t think most people, at least in this country, really think about that much. Why should we when there still seems to be vast amounts of open space in the middle of the USA? In fact from an airplane it seems we have a tremendous amount of space yet to be filled by humans. And so we go on with uncontrolled population growth – with some religions even preaching that it is God’s will that we do so.

Let me explain why population control is not only needed but is already becoming an emergency. If you look at a field where cows are grazing, you might think to yourself that there is room for a lot more cows in that field. But the reality is that each cow needs a lot of grass to live. You can only put a few cows in an open field or they would die of starvation. Most of the people in the United States live in large cities along the coastlines and other bodies of water. But the middle part is where we all get our food. And apparently that food is getting scarce which has prompted us to use technology to make more food from fewer resources.

In other parts of the world population control has been required for a long time. China is a good example. Once you get to a point where a place is overpopulated, there isn’t much you can do about it. I’m here to tell you that I think we are getting near that point right here in the USA. I hate to think what it will take before people realize this is a real concern. By that time, prices for food will skyrocket, shelves will be empty and people will be fighting for food. I dare say that it might already be too late. Remember, our population increases exponentially, and we have no natural predators. We must control our own population or we will pay the consequences.

PS Lets not forget about fresh water. Of all the water on the Earth, only 3% is fresh water. As our population explodes, our fresh water usage also increases exponentially. It is a very limited resource.

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