Thursday, August 23, 2007

An Open Letter to the Mayor of Fort Lauderdale

Dear Mayor Naugle,

Every day as I ride my bike through my neighborhood of Progresso on my way to the gym I am approached by drug dealers – sometimes 2 or 3 in one day in the short ½ mile between my house and the gym. Despite this very obvious and serious issue in our City, you have chosen to focus not on crime but rather on homosexual activity. Is this really where your priorities should be focused? Is this where our tax dollars are best spent? From what I have read so far, your claims against rampant public sex is unfounded and not supported by arrest records.

Mr. Mayor, I think you should re-evaluate what your job is and what your constituents expect from our elected officials. You are not running a congregation, you are running a City. You need to be concerned with crime – not sin. The drug dealer issue is only one example of many big issues this city faces. Stop this nonsense and get back to work on the real problems.



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