Friday, June 01, 2007

Coincidence or Conspiracy

The news media is reporting it an amazing coincidence that the father of the man with a rare and hard to treat form of tuberculosis works at the CDC. I find that hard to swallow. It seems more likely that the father’s work is the cause of his son’s infection. And I dare say that the adult son of a man who works with the CDC would be conscious of the fact that he could spread this to others. Further, his travel itinerary is suspicious as well. They all seem apologetic and innocent on the news right now but I can’t help but think there is a larger story here – not short of a conspiracy. Someone needs to do some good investigation on this. It is just the type of behavior I would expect from a bio-terrorist.

And might I just add – as a test of our terrorist preparedness – our immigration system failed miserably. Imagine if someone was trying to spread something more deadly and contagious. The warnings were clear - don't let this person travel - and yet he did. We are not safe.

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