Tuesday, May 16, 2006

If you can't say anything nice.....

Oh my, it's been almost a month since my last post where I promised to try to be more positive in my Blog. Either I don't have anything good to say or I have just been very busy. Truth be told it's a little of both. But let's give this positive attitude thing a try.

I've noticed that since gas prices have gone out of control that my commute to work is much smoother! It seems there is not as much traffic since people can't afford the gas. And perhaps the carpool idea just might be gaining some new respect which is great news for the environment.

Some more good news, the Presidents poll numbers continue to plummet which means that people are finally starting to realize, after only 5 years or so, that our nation is not headed in the right direction.

And here is some good news in nature: Every year in April my huge mahogany tree drops all it's leaves and grows a new set within a week. This process is usually a huge mess for the whole block. However, since Hurricane Wilma took a big chunck out of the tree - the leaf drop was very manageable this year. And only half as many leaves ended up in the pool!

Well, nobody can say I didn't try. But I'm pretty sure that sarcasm does not equal a positive attitude. I'll keep trying.

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