Friday, April 21, 2006

Let's Try Something More Positive

I created this blog a while back to vent my frustrations about things that are happening in the world - mostly in politics. The Bush Administration has given me many reasons to be frustrated. But I've found that "venting" doesn't really help me and I'm not sure it helps anyone else either. I get more frustrated writing the article and then it makes me think of more things that bother me that are mostly out of my control. I find myself driving home at night thinking of blog articles I want to write (most of which I forget later) and by the time I get home I'm all stressed out.

Today I was reading my Sister's blog which is a collection of positive, self help type articles. It made me realize that what I need to do is stop complaining and try to create change by positive thinking. This will probably not be easy for me to do at first but I'm going to give it a try.

I would like to continue to comment on things that I find of concern, but there must be a better way to word it so that they are based on positive thinking. I'm excited by the concept - let's see what I can do!

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